What is Med-PIE?

Med-PIE is the product of years of experience in medical distance learning, created by a group of enthusiastic medical doctors and IT affeccionados, who recognised the need of developing 21st century e-tools for the medical field.

Our aim is to provide quality e-tools for medical students, physicians, nurses and other health-related professional groups. Our recent projects include developing the back-bone of online medical registries and server-side automation scripts for biomedical researchers and clinicians.

Please check our projects’ descriptions from the bar on the left and read MED-Pie research materials on medical distance learning. We would be happy to receive your point of view and your ideas.

Now announcing the EL-POCO study

Med-PIE announces the beginning of a new project, the vascular e-Learning in the POst-COvid era study (the EL-POCO study). This project is the continuation of the EL-COVID study and will be based on the questionnaires and participation of the former project.

Find more information here.